Friday, July 5, 2013

Understanding Tasawwuf- Lectures by Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed

RecordedTitle (Click to Play, Right-Click to Download)LengthLocation
2009 Understanding Tasawwuf (English)
01-08-20091 Introduction 5' 28",
01-08-20092 Qur’aanic Model of Tazkiyyah 6' 30",
01-08-20093 Prophetic Model of Tazkiyyah 27' 03",
01-08-20094 Early development of Islamic specializations and tazkiya 6' 00",
01-08-20095 Further development of tazkiyyah in the later generations of the salaf 13' 50",
01-08-20096 Reality vs. Terminology, and setting the stage for discussion of the hallmark features of tasawwuf 5' 14",
01-08-20097 Goals of tasawwuf 15' 31",
01-08-20098 Tawbah, the beginning of the journey of tasawwuf 10" 00",
01-08-20099 Making tawbah with someone 16' 33",
01-08-200910 Haal, Maqaam, and how they apply to `uboodiyyah 17' 25",
01-08-200911 Bringing a person into `uboodiyyah 13' 14",
01-08-200912 Introducing ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama’ah 6' 22",
01-08-200913 Ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama’ah’s understanding of fiqh and usool of fiqh 20' 34",
01-08-200914 Ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama’ah’s understanding of bid`ah 13' 14",
01-08-200915 New nafl `ibaadaat, bid`ah 10' 05",
01-08-200916 The companions are like the stars 6' 37",
01-08-200917 Examples of new nafl `ibaadaat from the salaf 23' 57",
01-08-200918 Zhikr in the practice of tasawwuf 19' 13",
01-08-200919 Labels, tareeqah and silsilah 17' 09",
01-08-200920 Wilaayat, Nabuwwat, Fanaa, and Baqaa 10' 42",
01-08-200921 How Fanaa and Baqaa apply to a non-Nabi 7' 0",
01-08-200922 The ecstatic utterance of Mansur Al-Hallaaj 7' 12",
01-08-200923 Ibn al-Arabi, Wahdad al-Wujood, and Wahdat al-Shuhood 8' 53",
01-08-200924 Raabiya Basriyya and concluding remarks on prevalent misunderstandings 3' 11",
01-08-200925 Kashf and Ilhaam 14' 11",
01-08-200926 Q & A 49' 21",
01-08-200927 The Need for a Shaykh and Baya 60' 24",

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