Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sufi background of Hasan al-Banna-the founder of Ikhwan ul Muslimoon

From Imam Hasan al-Banna’s Memoirs, as quoted by Zakariya al-Siddiqi in his Prologue to the English translation of Hasan al-Banna’s book 'al-Ma’thurat': 

‘I used to recite the wazifa [litany] of Ahmad Zarruq every morning and evening. I was very much impressed by the wazifa as my father had written a beautiful commentary on it. He provided the evidences for almost all the expressions (used in the wazifa) from authentic ahadith.’ 

Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq was a famous Maliki jurist, as well as Sufi; thus we see the Sufic influence on both the father Ahmad and son Hasan – a facet of the latter’s personal being that remained with him for life, and which he attempted to impart to his movement.


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